Let me take you back to yesterday. A day where all was normal, Kitchen was in a mess, Tom downloading lots of stuff at no MB a second and Joel was making tea and as usual Max 2009 was being a pain in the arse.
Ben decided that life was getting a bit samey and wished that something would happen that was "out of the ordinary".
Where do I start..... It is like being in an alternate reality.
No Food.
Kitchen is CLEaN!...
The fence has fallen down.
Something has collapsed across the road.
A crazy woman that was patronisingly happy came to the door.
No More TEA!!!!!
And for me personally, Blogger has loaded every time today and not just every now and again.
Maybe this is how the world ends.
In one giant crash of reality....
Or..... maybe the pressure of all the weirdness will make everyone's heads blow up.....

Maybe I'm already insane.........Till Next Time Cya!
How can you be posting this? You're in a coma at the hospital...
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