I think that there must be some sort of bigger power because there is no way that this much shit can happen to one person without something doing it to you. I feel like the fly that's had its wings pulled off by an adolescent child.
I think that me and a few other people will have to go and break some legs. Mainly the programmer's of Max (Cax) 2009, as they just messed it up.
I feel like I'm going on and on about this but every time I write a blog about how dumb they are and crap the programme is. I find that there is yet another stupid ass problem that almost tips me over the edge of a nervous breakdown.
As I was saying in my last blog that I had nearly finished my model of the Slaney pilot. And that there was only the hands to do.
Well call me particular, but I thought I would spend some time on them and get some nice high poly hands.
But...... Max had other plans for my hands. I had a few extra touches to do and 2 more fingers, when I needed to do a weld. But accidentally selected a few extra other unwanted poly's. Not to bad really because all you need to do is backup. First of all as you remember me saying the backup can just stop functioning at any given point.
This time however it decided to work but in some Cax 2009 fashion forgot where everything went before it was welded and proceeded to completely balls up my high poly hand into a nice sort of ball shape.
So then I thought no matter, there is always the autoback. All 3 of the autoback's came up with an error message closing the file instantly.
Now not all is lost because I had a save of it. Where in I had only to make the fingers and the thumb, but the point is that it was the fact that I had to do it again after already perfecting it before. It was like Max(Cax) had just decided to put me back about 5 stages in my development.
I'm going to think on the bright side though. I have to look at the bright side :))))
It is good practice......... (insane laugh as the white van pulls up to take me away) about time!
Oh yes work of course, I almost forgot. Here is what my character looks like now;
As you can see not entirely finished but not far.
Till Next Time Cya!
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