Coolpix cameras do what they say on the advert. Now thats a first. I will tell you what, I think this has to be an award winning photo. I was busy taking pictures of my garden and the area over the fence. When I noticed this seagul flying round over head.
So I just thought I would try to get a picture of it to go in the sky over my work as an Alpha. But never did I expect to get one as good as this and especially not on first try.Also I have chosen a corner of my garden that has sculptures I on my foundation. Like this one.
I think it funny that I should be resculpting it again digitally this time.
It might not look much but it did start out life as a breeze block.
Now it is much more interesting than if it had been used to build a boring house.I think that I shall try and incorporate something into the background of my environment but im finding it hard to think of something to put there as in reality, their is nothing there but cows in fields.
The church in this picture is not to bad as a backdrop I guess.

Don't underestimate how striking a good sky can be in an image (You can ask Pigou this if you don't believe me), some awesome cumulus clouds or something could work wonders.
Just a suggestion!
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